May 29, 2013

Street Food Time :)

Some people think I am thin. Some usually get surprised when they finally know I eat a lot. Yeah, I really enjoy eating. To me, there is no favorite food. All I know is only "favorite foods" because I have a long list of food I like to eat. And one of my best time killers is: SNAAAACK!!!

I love snacking. In my room or on the table in my office you will find snacks. I rarely pass the day without snacks, except when I am fasting. I think I get this habit from my family. In my house, no day passed without snacks served on the table. Across the sea, I carried out this habit with me :)

May be since I was in elementary school, I have fallen in love with street snacks. Now after years, I still love them. Here are some of street art I have captured unintentionally.

Cimol + fries a la Indonesia
Cimol. Cimol, stands for aci dicemol, is made of cassava flour. It is fried and then sprinkled with powdered cornstarch mixed with sugar, salt, pepper, and other spices. Cimol is usually sold with fries. You can find them sold near public elementary schools. People eat them by using bamboo skewers. They are very tasty and addictive, trust me :p

Rujak bebeg/tumbuk
Rujak. Rujak is a traditional food which usually made of a mixture of various fruits and vegetables flavoured with spices or sauce. There several konds of rujak, e.g: rujak potong, rujak serut, and rujak bebeg. I like rujak bebeg more than any others. It is made by grinding all the fruits and spices into a mortar. The result: sweet, sour, hot, salty, and FRESH!!!

Tahu gejrot
Tahu gejrot. Tahu gejrot is a traditional food from Cirebon. It is made of fried tofu then cut in small bits and eaten with chili-onion-sugar marinade. Usually served in traditional clay saucers. Sluuurp...

Harum manis
Cotton candy. Some people in Indonesia call it harum manis, others call it arum manis, even kembang gula. It is made of sugar and coloring powder, processed in a special machine. The texture is very light. When it goes into your mouth, nyessss, suddenly it disappears and leaves the super sweet taste to your tongue :)

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