July 22, 2013

Happy National Children Day 2013

"Approximately 46% of the fathers in the world said that time for playing with their children were pretty less. While the mothers in the world who had enough time to play with their children were only 36%. About 50% of parents in the world had to travel far to get home from their offices." (http://www.berani.co.id/news/22/1004164/Feature/)

For children, every single day is a brand new game.
Let them play, cause we are living in the world of play.

Kick out your sorrow, kid


"Setiap anak berhak untuk beristirahat dan memanfaatkan waktu luang, bergaul dengan anak yang sebaya, bermain dan berkreasi, dan berkreasi sesuai dengan minat, bakat, dan tingkat kecerdasannya demi pengembangan diri"
Undang-undang Perlindungan Anak No. 23 Tahun 2002

Psst, Google.co.id is celebrating it too...

Google's Hari Anak Nasional 2013

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