July 29, 2013

It's Cookie Time

Have you ready guys?
Eid is coming closer to us as we have already passed the three-quarters of Ramadan.  Have you finished reciting your Quran? Have you ever missed the qiyam al layl? Have you reached your own target this Ramadan? Me, alhamdulillah, have reached most of them :)

To me, actually Ramadan this year is totally different. I have no chance enjoying Ramadan in my hometown cause I have to work until the last day of it. Yeah, since I work in an NGO which also a zakat (alms giving) institution, Ramadan is the busiest month. We have to arrange some events for beneficiaries such as iftar with orphans. So, no chance for me to come home before Ramadan ends :(

As I can't get home earlier, I decided to prepare some surprise for my parents. They are getting old now and I think it will be great if I prepare everything from here so that they don't need to be busy there. Preparation here means: I live in Indonesia which has various ways to welcome Eid Al Fithr, one of the tradition is making cookies for guests. So, I challenged myself to make cookies, three kinds, with my own hands, and in my little rented room.

Challenge Accepted!
First thing to do is choosing the recipes. Well, Nastar is a must for Eid. It is a cookie filled by pineaplle jam. But I still needed two other recipes. After three days of googling, I settled on three cookies recipes from Blue BandCandy Pop NastarCandy Pop Melted, and Candy Pop Choco.

Next, preparing the tools and the ingredients. I went the fresh market to buy the ingredients and some of them I got from the supermarket. And for the tools, I bought them in the fresh market and some of them I got from the kitchen of my neighbor :p After a week of preparation, finally I could bake it last weekend.

And, voilaaaa... The look may not be similar with the original recipe, but I was amazed with myself cause I can do it by myself not more than 24 hours :) Yaaayyyy...

Candy Pop Nastar

Candy Pop Choco

Candy Pop Melted

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